Book our service, let the good times roll
Room Type - Total Cost
1BHK - ₹ 1999
2BHK - ₹ 2999
3BHK - ₹ 3999
Service Includes
Procedure: Spray treatment is carried out with eco-friendly chemical
Exclusive 2 step procedure to target adult bedbugs 8 eggs within 15 days
Treatment will be customized by thorough inspection (done at the time of 1st visit)
Trained Technicians with govt approved chemicals
Pre-Treatment Preparation
Dispose off old newspapers, cartons & damp items
Wash with hot water- clothing, Bed sheets & cushion covers etc (keep in air sealed bag is washing is not done)
Toys- Need to be washed in hot water or disposed
Safety Practices
Refrain from touching sprayed surfaces for 3-4 hours
Keep children away from treated areas
If mattress sponge is very heavily infested with bedbugs, then customer may need to dispose it
Keep check on bedbugs coming from external sources like laundry, grocery bags, hotel items etc
Chemicals to be used
Govt & WHO Approved, safe & odorless chemicals by Bayer
Service Time:1 Hour (depending on BHK)
Number of Servicemen: 1-2 (depending on BHK)
Procedure- FREE 2nd service in 15 days of first service to ensure complete treatment
Warranty – 1 Month (only if second service is taken with in 15 days of first service)
Kills adults & new eggs over 15 days for relief
Customer to remove clothing & bedsheets for washing